Altamira Fine Art Scottsdale is pleased to present a new exhibition for Stephanie Revennaugh, Presence, January 18-30, 2021.


Join us for an Artist Reception Thursday, January 21, from 7-9pm at our Scottsdale gallery.


Soulful. Dynamic. Raw. These are the words that encapsulate Presence, a sculpture representative of my current practice and, in turn, my debut exhibition at Altamira. Recently, I’ve been exploring an expanded terrain of motifs and materials. I’m broadening my range of subjects by adding other animals to my previous focus on equine subjects, while also casting in glass as a complement to my bronze sculpture. 


For me, Presence epitomizes this moment: It is a sculpture of my thoroughbred horse Mo and my dear friend’s whippet Benson—the litter mate to my pup Bijou. I wanted to portray a moment of connection between the two animals, to emphasize the importance of being fully present to such communion. I enjoyed capturing the tension and the energy shared by two of my favorite animals. I also valued the opportunity to pair a motif I find engaging with an idea that is important to me. When horses and dogs are together, they generally ignore one another. Here, they are saying, ‘I see you.’ Gratifyingly, Presence seems to be connecting with viewers: it won Best of Show at this year’s Desert Caballeros Western Museum exhibition, “Cowgirl Up!”.


The majority of the work in the show is equine-themed. Horses have been a passion of mine since childhood. This lifelong connection affords me intimate knowledge of the nuance of equine anatomy and behavior. To me, horses are endlessly inspiring, a polestar apparent at Altamira. Having worked with horses for decades, I’ve found that equine affinity crosses cultures, stations and genders. Horses are a great equalizer. They have their own language, which is subtle and energetic. They read and respond to you. You can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to a horse. They’re magnificent, large creatures with rippling muscles and great lungs, yet they’re so fragile at the same time. Working with horses presents so much polarity: They can be fierce but also delicate, and when they trust you it’s incredibly rewarding.


Pre-sales available.


Contact or call (480) 949-1256 for more details.

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